Membership Information

You have selected the Affiliate membership level.

This category is intended for any individual who is interested in human factors and ergonomics, but who does not fulfill the requirements to become a Full Member. It provides an opportunity for interested individuals to expand their skills in ergonomics and human factors, and to become involved in the community.

The price for membership is $90.95 now (including GST).

Membership expires on June 30, 2026.

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Account Information

Address for Correspondence

(Include Company name if work address)

Residential Address

(If different from mailing address)

Areas of Specialisation

Courses currently being undertaken

Please include the course name, Institution and State / Country

Member Search Directory

We offer members at certain levels the option to promote themselves in our member search database.

The public member search helps visitors to our site find Certified Professional Ergonomists.

The private member search is only visible to other members of our organisation who log in to the website.

The private member search will include the first name, last name and address for correspondence you specified in the form above. You are able to specify the phone number and email address you would like listed in the fields below. Please leave the fields below blank if you do not want to include that contact option.


I wish to join the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc. The information provided in this application form is true and correct.

If accepted for membership I agree to:

– Uphold the aims of the Society to promote education, research and the application of the science of Ergonomics

– To abide by the Society’s Code of Practice

– To pay the Society’s subscription annually, unless I notify the Federal Secretariat in writing of my intention to resign

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