IEA August Newsbrief

This week we are reporting from the 22nd Triennial Congress of the IEA ( in Korea.  The “Upcoming Events” sections includes several HFE events taking place in the latter half of 2024. It includes information on the HFES International Annual Meeting (ASPIRE), DHM2025 summer school, ErgoWork2024 and two conferences taking place in December 2024. This edition also includes information about webinars taking place in September. In the Spotlight on IEA Technical Committees feature, we showcase the Safety and Health Technical Committee and the valuable work that they are doing to apply HFE to improve health, safety, well-being and productivity in work-systems. We appreciate the ongoing support and commitment of the global IEA community, please continue to share updates that will be of interest to our community. Please send all updates to IEA2024 was proceeded by the annual IEA Council and the IEA global community would like to congratulate the new IEA officers and wish them luck for the next triennial term.




IEA2024 Congress 

Every three years the IEA hosts its flagship event – the Triennial Congress-, this time for the 22nd time. It is the second time that it has been hosted by the Ergonomics Society of Korea and this time it will be held in conjunction with the 3rdInternational Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Conference on Human Systems Integration. 1500 participants are registered for the Congress which extends with multiple parallel sessions over four days. The sessions cover the whole field of ergonomics, particularly emerging fields such as the interface between humans and artificial intelligence (AI), climate change, robotics and other cutting-edge research. Additionally, there are keynotes and sessions on the area of informal work which is growing in all countries.


IEA Council Meeting 2024 

The IEA Council is the governing body of the IEA and is composed of representatives from all 55 member societies. The annual general meeting was held just before IEA2024. At this meeting reports were given on the work of the hundreds of voluntary workers who make up the executive and its more than 35 active committees and sub-committees. Additionally, workshops are conducted to permit the council members to report on their own experiences, express their concerns, and give input on proposed activities. 

The executive committee is composed of the officers and appointed Chairs of the five Standing Committees, plus the past president, who is responsible for the Awards committee, the Chair of the next IEA Triennial Congress and several ad hoc committees formed by the President for specific tasks. The Standing Committees are:

              Science, Technology and Practice

              Professional Standards and Education

              International Development (building up the IEA network)

              Development and Promotion (improving the IEA itself)

              Communication and Public Relations

The IEA Technical Committees are sub-committees coordinated by the chair of Science, Technology and Practice.

The current officers, Prof. Jose Orlando Gomes, Dr Maggie Graf and Dr Thomas Alexander, would like to thank the other members of the IEA Executive for their committed and highly productive work over the last three years. The IEA Triennial Report has been published onto the IEA website, so if you are interested in learning about the work that has been done in more detail, you can find the details in the report, along with further information about the IEA and HFE. A new executive committee will be formed in the coming weeks under the leadership of the newly elected President.


Elections of officers

At the Council meeting officer elections for the next triennial term (2024-2027) were held. Congratulations to:

Prof. Andrew Thatcher, from the Ergonomics Society of South Africa, who was elected President, and

Prof. Nancy Black, from the Association of Canadian Ergonomists, who was elected Vice President/Secretary General.

Dr Thomas Alexander was re-elected to the post of Vice President/Treasurer.

The IEA community congratulates these well-known and respected people on their election and wishes the new team much success.


Giving your business the human factors edge… Making it Happen! 

The IEA officers are pleased to announce that the next book in the Ergonomics in a Nutshell series for “Giving your business the human factors edge..” has just been published. The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) has developed this publication for Line Managers in industry to provide practical guidance on introducing HFE into their workplace. The authors are experienced practitioners from Columbia, Australia and USA who outline the key steps required to introduce successful programs at a company level including product developments and projects to address workplace injuries, performance and quality issues. Case studies are provided to illustrate how the practitioners assisted managers in implementing HFE in their business including the challenges of change management to ensure that all the stakeholders are engaged in the process. Many thanks to authors Karen Lange-Morales, David Caple and Andrew S. Imada and all who assisted them. It is available free of charge in e-book format:



ASPIRE – the HFES International Annual Meeting – 9-13th September, 2024, Phoenix, Arizona

The HFES International Annual Meeting is now ASPIRE! As our 68th International Meeting, the mission of ASPIRE is to Advance Systems and Practices through Innovation, Research and Education. ASPIRE is an IEA-endorsed educational experience.


ASPIRE remains the great Annual Meeting of HFES that you know with new elements to help us break new ground, grow, connect and make the world a better place through the application of our specialized body of knowledge.


Join us September 9-13, 2024, in Phoenix at ASPIRE to advance your knowledge, expand your network, meet with exhibitors, socialize and engage with thought leaders in Human Factors and Ergonomics.


DHM2025 Summer School: 23-25th September, 2024, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

DHM2025 is an international school organized by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, the 4D4ALL scan lab, and the International Ergonomics Association’s Technical Committee of Digital Human Modelling and Simulation.

For more information, please contact Sofia Scataglini:


Webinar: Linking practice and science in Visual Ergonomics, 18 October 2024, 07:00 UTC

The Visual Ergonomics IEA Technical Committee is hosting a Webinar series titled ‘Linking practice and science in Visual Ergonomics’. This webinar series will take place on the 18th of October starting at 07:00 UTC. The goal of this webinar series is to showcase the research/projects in visual ergonomics and conducted by executive members of the IEA Visual Ergonomics Technical Committee. The members have extensive experience in teaching/working within visual ergonomics. Through their speeches, they will establish links between practice and science, address the costs and benefits of the measures discussed, and increase awareness of visual ergonomics on a global scale.


More information can be found here:


ErgoWork2024: 31st October – 1St November 2024, Bucharest, Romania

The International Biennial Congress (ErgoWork2024) is the 3rd International Conference of the Romanian Society on Ergonomics and Workplace management. ErgoWork2024 is taking place from the 31st of October to the 1st of November at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, 060042 Bucharest, Corp CD 003. Some important dates can be found below.


Important Dates


Registration (Conference Fee payment)

30 September 2024


31 October – 1 November 2024



More information on the conference and registration process can be found here:


10th International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2024: 5-6th December 2024, Zagreb, Croatia

The Croatian Ergonomics Society (CrES), a federated IEA society, is organising its 10th International Ergonomics Conference which will take place 5-6th December, 2024. The CrES will be celebrating 50 years since its founding during the conference. The conference will bring together enthusiasts, experts and scientists in the field and hopes to have 80 participants from around the world. The last call for abstract submissions is approaching. Some important dates for abstract and full paper submissions are provided below.



Important Dates

Abstract Submission 

5 September 2024

Communicate for Acceptance of Abstract

19 September 2024

Final Full Paper Submission

1 October 2024

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance 

1 November 2024

Conference Days

5-6 December 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) Conference: 13-15 December 2024, Kolkata, India

The Indian Society of Ergonomics, a federated IEA society, is organising its annual Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2024) which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2024 at the University of Calcutta in India. Under the theme: “Ergonomics for Everyone Future challenges in Health, Safety and Design” the conference will put together a comprehensive program that aims to shed light on how a future with optimal work environments that prioritize well-being and efficiency may be achieved. Some of the important conference dates related to abstract submission and registration are provided below. 


Important Dates


Early Bird Registration 

Till 15 September 2024

For Regular Registration

From 16 September 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Event reminders

The list below contains previously advertised events that are taking place in September 2024, please remember to register to attend and get hold of the recorded sessions on the IEA YouTube channel (


Neuroergonomics and optimal brain imaging: Towards Ubiquitous and Continuous Measurement of Brain Function during Everyday Life (International Webinar Series): 19 September 2024, 18:00-19:00 (Rome time zone). Zoom link:



After featuring the Healthcare Ergonomics TC in our previous issue, in this edition we turn our focus to the Safety and Health Technical Committee. The Safety and Health TC was established to create a global platform and network for HFE professionals and experts in Occupational Safety and Health to invent, develop, study and apply new solutions to improve safety, well-being and productivity in work systems. 


Importance of the Safety and Health TC


Safety and Health is one of the areas that HFE experts, professionals and practitioners operate within to bring about systems-based approaches, methods and solutions to improve safety, health, well-being and productivity in work systems. Through the application of HFE concepts and principles, the HFE discipline has been contributing to the Safety and Health agenda in various ways. However, many challenges arise through technological development. Under current challenges in the Artificial Intelligence-powered virtual digital era, the Safety and Health Technical Committee of the International Ergonomics Association advocates the solutions of the dynamic human-task fit in the work setting, including process and organisational innovations, automation, instrumentations, software and mobile applications. The work done by HFE professionals in Safety and Health continues to reinforce the need to use systems-based approaches and to integrate multi-disciplinary perspectives to manage existing and emerging issues within the safety and health domain. 


The formation of the Safety and Health TC was based on the need advance safety, health, well-being and productivity through HFE. The objectives that were set out for the Safety and Health TC were as follows:

·       To document theories and methods in Safety and Health and to disseminate information for ergonomic design purposes

·       To coordinate research and practices in Safety and Health

·       To participate in and organise collaborative events for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry to share Safety and Health solutions


Overview of Safety and Health TC Activities


In line with its objectives, some of the Safety and Health TC activities include the following:

·       Monthly meeting – every 3rd Thursday at 4pm CET

·       The Safety and Health TC builds a collaborative forum for professionals at occupational health and safety authorities to share ergonomic knowledge and best practices 

·       The Safety and Health TC works with institutional partners with the same interests to accomplish defined project objectives. E.g. ISSA, ISO

·       The Safety and Health TC organises engaging webinars on leading-edge case studies for the broad public to promote the added value of Ergonomics and Human Factors in workplaces.

·       The Safety and Health TC organises sessions and a track at IEA triennial conferences and co-organise other conferences. 

·       Long term, the Safety and Health TC will organise conferences and publish journals. 


Safety and Health TC membership


If you are interested in learning more and contributing to the Safety and Health TC, please access the TC web page here: Interested people are very welcome. 



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