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The Early Career and Student SIG (ECS-SIG) was established in March 2015 and is dedicated to represent and support students and early career E/HF professionals. ECS-SIG brings together HFESA members who are: full-time or part-time students; have completed their studies within the last five years; and people who would like to help mentor or promote students. Specifically, the SIG: - Promotes and supports ECS members to assist in their engagement with the profession and the Society. - Provides opportunities for ECS members to showcase their work to the wider HF/E community. - Provides a forum for ECS members to connect with each other as they grow in the profession. - Assists members who are gaining further qualifications while practising professionally to access support with regard to the process of further scholarship. - Connects ECS members with mentors in their interest field/s to foster mutually beneficial relationships. - Approaches HF/E educators and allied professionals (i.e. psychology, physiology, physiotherapy) in universities to promote the SIG and HFESA to students. - Ensures continuous professional and personal development for established members and early career/student members to learn from each other and - Campaigns for student access to conferences, and promotes student volunteering. By more directly involving students in the Society, we aim to foster an ongoing relationship, ensuring future Full Membership and engagement within the Society.
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NSW Branch
NSW Branch Group Test
- 5
- 3 years, 1 month ago
QLD Branch
QLD Branch Group
- 1
- 3 years, 2 months ago
SA Branch
SA Branch Group
- 1
- 3 years, 2 months ago
At the 2011 conference a meeting of RailSIG members decided to rename the RailSIG to TranSIG in order to better represent the interests of the members and foster new members. A LinkedIn group has been started for those interested in taking part in discussion. The group has so far been very quiet and we would welcome people interested in contributing to discussion. to join you need to join LinkedIn, then search for the TranSIG group and join it. Transport Human Factors covers a wide breadth of topics. As a snapshot, below are some of the topics generating a lot of interest in the transport industries in Australia and around the world: - Fatigue management and vigilance - Organisational considerations (e.g. "just culture") - Organisational awareness of Human Factors (and impacts thereof) - Risk management, risk taking, etc - Integration of Human Factors into the design of transport systems - Human error and error management - Cultural change to improve safety behaviours at all organisational levels - Systemic failure - Impact of new technologies - Level crossings (road and rail driver behaviours and design of crossings) - Post-incident stress - Rail resource management To join the TranSIG LinkedIn group - please click this link https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14302879/
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VIC Branch
VIC Branch Group
- Discussion of Events, PD events, news, Q+A and more
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- 3 years, 2 months ago
WA Branch
WA Branch Group
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Website Feedback
Please provide any feedback on the HFESA website here
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- 3 years ago