Transport SIG PD: Workshop: National Strategic HF Collaboration Part 2

Lessons learned and Problem definition – part 1
HFESA has a vision of expand our national initiatives and improve available tools, standardise processes and methods across the states.
HFESA and Transport SIG invites you to participate in a 3 part workshop event to collect insights from the HF community working in transportation. The aim is to define the challenges and issues we are facing and brainstorm around initiatives we can implement in the near future.
Discussion areas may include:
- Standardization of human factors requirements for transport infrastructure projects.
- Sharing and access to research output and application of evidence based HF practice.
- Creation of public domain HF tool kits and databases for rail operations and maintenance.
The first two workshops (7th of June and 14th of September) will be facilitated by the Transport SIG Chair and held online using MURAL (a digital whiteboard tool) to capture the HFESA members work experiences and define the problems we like to resolve in our industry.
The workshops will follow the double diamond design methodology to capture insight into the problem definition and inform our future brainstorming session in part 3 proposed to be held at this year’s HFESA conference in November as a hybrid session.
We welcome you to participate in one or all workshops sessions. Our aim is to make them accessible to everyone with minimal requirement to have attended the previous session to contribute to the next.
Bookings are closed for this event.