Reimagining Inpatient Falls: A Safety II Perspective – Humanitix

Event description
April is traditionally a time of renewal for fall prevention programs in hospitals and residential care facilities across Australia (and the world over). Yet, even after decades of research, awareness campaigns and program-level responses, the issue of avoidable falls is still unresolved, and as challenging as ever. What can organisations do in 2024 to transform fall safety? Is real progress truly possible? Are better answers to be found beyond the metrics and the intervention trials?
Perhaps it’s time to reimagine fall prevention in hospitals.
This workshop-style interactive webinar will offer participants:
- A bird’s eye view of the current state of the evidence (for hospital based interventions).
- Insights into some of the persistent challenges in managing falls risk in frontline care and in guiding efforts based on falls indicators.
- Ideas for program innovation from the standpoint of new thinking in safety, systems and human factors.
- An opportunity to discuss questions they might have.
Tickets are free but strictly limited – please confirm your availability before booking.
Presenter Bio:
Dr Satyan Chari is a practicing occupational therapist and has a PhD from Monash University in hospital fall prevention (where he investigated environmental design approaches to reduce falls in hospital). Satyan is a leading voice within healthcare on translating innovative systems-based and human-centred approaches into patient safety and quality improvement. He is the founder of Nuansys Healthcare ( – a healthcare improvement company), Co-Director of the Healthcare Excellence Accelerator (HEAL) program within the QUT Design Lab, Scientific Advisor at the NHS Scotland Human Factors Hub and Adjunct Fellow at the Centre for Human Factors and Socio-technical Systems.
Satyan is also the senior editor at The Human Stream ( a free fortnightly email newsletter supporting innovation in healthcare safety and quality.
To register for this event – click here.