HFESA2021 will be a Virtual Conference – www.HFESA2021.org for details
The theme of the HFESA 2021 Conference is ‘Human Factors in our Changing World’
We live in a world marked by massive global changes, moving us rapidly into rather unprecedented and unknown directions. It has never been so vital for us to understand the interactions among humans and other system elements. This necessitates the creation and adoption of theories, principles, data, and methods of design, as well as new capabilities, technologies, skills, procedures, policies, strategies to find new ways of engaging with a rapidly changing world and optimise wellbeing and performance.
As practitioners and scientists, we must deal with a spectrum of challenges and opportunities. The field of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) is, and will continue to be, a key enabler in navigating the changing landscape.
The conference will host contributions that advance the theory or practice of the following and other HFE topics:
Digitalisation and Automation of Work
Human-Machine Interaction
Organisational Design and Management
Ergonomic Interventions
Cognitive Ergonomics
Visual Ergonomics
Risk Analysis and Management
Psychosocial Work Environment
Service Work and Service Systems
Occupational Health
Keynote Speakers Include:
Professor Pascale Carayon
Professor Judy Kay
Professor Don Harris
Mark Sujan
For further details on the HFESA 2021 Virtual Conference including:
– Registration and Fees
– Key Dates
– Keynote Speakers
– List of Accepted Submissions
– Sponsorship Prospectus
Please go to: www.hfesa2021.org
To go straight to registration please go to: www.hfesa2021.delegateconnect.co
Bookings are closed for this event.