Eurocontrol PD Event: Mental Underload…what it is and what it isn`t.

This webinar will offer an insight into the concept of mental underload – what it is (as far as we are able to define it), what it isn’t, how it compares to related concepts (such as boredom or vigilance), what causes it, how and why it affects performance, how to measure it (as far as we are able to), and how to guard against it. Transport case studies are given as examples of where underload has caused accidents.
Professor Mark Young is Professor of Human Factors in Transport within the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton. Mark has nearly 30 years’ experience working in human factors across transport modes in both academia and industry. Before joining the University of Southampton in June 2023, Mark spent 11 years working as an Inspector at the Rail Accident Investigation Branch, applying his human factors expertise to the investigation of railway incidents and accidents. Mark has written over 70 peer-reviewed journal papers and five books, he is a Chartered Ergonomist, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) and, from April 2024, President of the CIEHF.
When: 25 June 15:00-16:30 CEST
Link to the registration page: