Development of International Standard IEC

A Standard for Human Dependability: Will it Improve Human factors in the Workplace?
Event Synopsis: We all understand ‘dependability’ when it relates to vehicles and other machines, but can ‘dependability’ apply to humans? Can we write a
standard for human dependability that would assist managers, engineers, and organisations to improve the human factors in their workplaces? After four years of
development, IEC 62508 Guidance on Human Aspects of Dependability has been submitted for international committee approval. This presentation will review the journey
of revising the original version , which overly focussed on human error, to a guide for promoting human factors in the workplace. The ultimate challenge is to provide
a practical standard, which details the support that individuals and teams need to work ‘dependably.’
Our Presenter:
Dr Ari Antonovsky was initially trained as a Materials Engineer, before progressing into project work in various Reliability Engineering roles
in the mining industry in Australia and Indonesia. Eventually, it became clear that reliability, especially among maintenance and operations
crews, was concerned with improving human and organisational factors, rather than the technology employed. This resulted in a PhD in
Psychology at Curtin University, based on the human factors that influence outcomes in petroleum production facilities. During the past
several years, he has conducted research projects at UWA investigating the human /systems interfaces on RAN vessels, including the Collins
submarines. Ari is an HFESA Certified Professional Ergonomist, and is the Project Leader for an international standard on human
dependability (IEC 62508).
Where: Zoom – Online
When: Wednesday 14th June 2023
Time: 5:30pm – 5:45pm: Introduction and Welcome; 5:45pm-7pm: Presentation & QA
Cost HFESA Members – Free; Non-members – $30
Please note this presentation is commencing at 5:30 WA time. For VIC, TAS, NSW, QLD this will start at 7:30pm. For SA this will start at 7:00pm.
Bookings are closed for this event.