Trending topics in human factors and ergonomics towards the 2020’s. One Day Seminar: 1 August 2018
Gain up to the minute insights from experts in the field on key ergonomic and human factors areas. Chaired by Prof. Robin Burgess-Limerick.
- Advancing Incident investigations. Expert panel: Prof. Maureen Hassall, Justin Ludcke, Justin O’Sullivan and Phillipa Dodshon.
- Case Studies in participative ergonomics – the missing piece to implementing effective workplace designs. Dr. Gary Dennis.
- Is High-Tec the answer in office ergonomics? Where should you be sitting or standing on investing in this area? Current experience and future directions. Dr Margaret Cook.
- Poor design hurts people. A cognitive ergonomics response. Dr. Kïrsten Way
- New, inexpensive and reliable alternatives to analysing and managing whole body vibration – the WBV app. Danellie Lynas.
- What Injury Management can learn from Ergonomics Programs. Adrienne Tracy
- Green Building Council of Australia – Medibank Private Agile Work Design project. Sara Pazell
- Virtual Reality in application, Robotics Dr. Jürgen Leitner, PhD students’ research updates and more
Outstanding networking and professional development opportunities
Registration: 8.00 am
Presentation: 8.30 am – 4.30 pm (Catering and parking provided)
HFESA members: $190
(earlybird $160 by 10 July 2018
Non-members: $230
(earlybird $200 by 10 July 2018
Full Time Students: $60
(earlybird $50 by 10 July 2018)
Bookings are closed for this event.