Code of Practice
As a condition of admission to professional grades, members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc agree to the following statement:
When practising human factors and ergonomics (HFE), members shall, at all times:
- Ensure that the community and clients’ well-being take precedence over their responsibility to sectional or private interests;
- Uphold and enhance the honour, integrity and dignity of the profession and of the members of the Society;
- Ensure that their responsibility for the ethical conduct of any behaviour involving representations of the Society has due regard for the professional integrity of the Society; that this responsibility is not used to abuse the privilege. This responsibility takes precedence over any concern for the sectional, private or commercial interests or advantage.
- Express opinions on the work or reputation of fellow members in an honest, objective and responsible manner, giving due credit where necessary;
- Provide advice, express opinions or make statements honestly, objectively, impartially, expeditiously and reporting on the positive and the negative consequences of that advice.
- Perform work only in their areas of competence and to the best of their ability.
- Disclose to their employers or clients promptly and effectively all significant financial and other relevant interests with potential for providing conflict of interest or influencing the impartiality of any reports, advice or decisions.
- Respect the confidentiality of the information obtained in the course of their work as ergonomists, revealing such information to others only with the consent of the person(s) or organisation(s) or their legal representative(s).
- Actively assist and encourage the ongoing development of ergonomics.
- Agree that non-compliance with the Code may be referred to the HFESA Board for determination.