HFESA Peer Conversations – Public domain task analyses for transport sectors

24/09/2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Peer conversations is a new event format that centres around a particular topic. The attendees will be presented with a subject and problem definition to guide a structure conversation on how to approach this topic. For this event we will be discussing the pros and cons of a public domain tasks analysis within various transport […]

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NZ PD – Communication in Transport Safety Investigation: A social psychology perspective

30/04/2024 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Speaker Bio: Tahlia Fisher is the Senior Advisor Human Factors for the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC). Her role encompasses aviation, rail, and marine transport, with the primary responsibility of providing human factors expertise and analysis to support the Commission in determining the circumstances and causes of transport accidents. Previous to this, Tahlia was employed […]

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Forecasting emergent risks in advanced AI systems: an analysis of a future road transport management system

To view the AI paper from Paul Salmon et al.,…Read...

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Transport SIG Members Meeting

25/01/2024 @ 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm – The Transport SIG will be holding a members meeting on the 25 January 5:00pm to 5:30pm Sydney time. Please register below to ensure you receive login details to this meeting.   Agenda: – SIG goals and initiative for 2024 – 2024 PD and workshop events – Nomination of Co-chair

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Australians’ size variation and implications for transport design – Scott Fitzgerald – iMOVE Australia

Although there have been past attempts there is no up-to-dateRead More ►

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Transport SIG PD: Human Factors Integration For Major Road Tunnel Project

08/08/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Major tunnel projects impact three major stakeholder groups: operators, maintainers, and motorists, therefore the design must carefully consider each of these groups in terms of the physical and cognitive ergonomics of the tunnel and control systems and how to design for driver behaviour during normal and degraded operations. Over several major projects in Australia, a […]

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Transport SIG PD: Workshop: National Strategic HF Collaboration Part 2

14/09/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Lessons learned and Problem definition – part 1 HFESA has a vision of expand our national initiatives and improve available tools, standardise processes and methods across the states. HFESA and Transport SIG invites you to participate in a 3 part workshop event to collect insights from the HF community working in transportation. The aim is […]

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Transport SIG PD: Workshop: National Strategic HF Collaboration Part 1

07/06/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Lessons learned and Problem definition – part 1 HFESA has a vision of expand our national initiatives and improve available tools, standardise processes and methods across the states. HFESA and Transport SIG invites you to participate in a 3 part workshop event to collect insights from the HF community working in transportation. The aim is […]

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transport sig 2 part pd

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Transport SIG PD: Weighing user needs

26/04/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Weighing User Needs The importance of prioritising user requirements to inform design decisions  In large multi-disciplinary projects, it is easy to lose sight of the initial value proposition once the project is in full swing. There is always a constant push and pull of new ideas, identified constraints and issues to be resolved that strain […]

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Design SIG PD Event: Designing with Cognitive Work Analysis: A transport ticketing case study

27/08/2020 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – You are invited to attend the Design SIG PD Event which will focus on a Human Factors Method – Cognitive Work Analysis. Cognitive work analysis has been applied in the design of numerous sociotechnical systems. The process used to translate analysis outputs into design concepts is not always clear. The Cognitive Work Analysis Design Toolkit […]

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Public Transport: Research and Design for Human Use

20/02/2019 @ 8:45 am – 11:45 pm – Public Transport Victoria Human Factors Team and the Transport Special Interest Group at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia invite you to a morning of talks on application of Human Factors methods and research to inform and optimise the user centred design of public transport systems. As demand for Public Transport increases year […]

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9th International Confeence On Driver Distraction And Inattention

22/10/2024 – 24/10/2024 @ All Day – This premier international event on inattention and distracted driving draws delegates from over 20 countries, including government, industry, and academia. For the first time, it’s coming to the United States! The conference features keynote speakers, plenary and parallel sessions, a poster exhibition, student competition, expert panel discussions and an including an optional pre-conference workshop, . Networking opportunities […]

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EUROCONTROL Webinar – Mental Underload…what it is and what it isn`t.

25/06/2024 @ All Day – This webinar will offer an insight into the concept of mental underload – what it is (as far as we are able to define it), what it isn’t, how it compares to related concepts (such as boredom or vigilance), what causes it, how and why it affects performance, how to measure it (as far as […]

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Mastering Systems Human Factors and Ergonomics: A Methods Masterclass Series

10/09/2024 – 11/09/2024 @ All Day – Want to put Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) and systems thinking into practice in your work? Are you interested in learning key systems HFE methods? Traditional strategies for managing safety and improving work design are reaching the limits of their effectiveness. In order to achieve organisational objectives, we must acknowledge that outcomes in complex systems […]

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Decarbonization of rail, and the HF changes around that

04/07/2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Peer conversations is a new event format that centres around a particular topic. The attendees will be presented with a subject and problem definition to guide a structure conversation on how to approach this new domain. This event will discuss the decarbonization of rail and the transition from diesel-powered trains to more sustainable alternatives like […]

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